(Showing 11 out of 12 articles)
Dr. Schnable's Google Scholar Page

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles (2016 ~ 2024)

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* Authors contributed equally to the article
2024 (2 articles)Top ⇪
  • Shrestha N*, A Powadi*, J Davis, TT Ayanlade, H Liu, MC Tross, RK Mathivanan, J Bares, L Lopez-Corona, J Turkus, L Coffey, T Jubery, Y Ge, S Sarkar, JC Schnable, B Ganapathysubramanian, PS Schnable (2024) Plot-level satellite imagery can substitute for UAVs in assessing maize phenotypes across multistate field trials. agriRxiv, 2024.00251. doi:10.31220/agriRxiv.2024.00251
    [ Abstract | 13 May 2024 ]
  • Ganapathysubramanian B, JMP Bell, G Kantor, N Merchant, S Sarkar, PS Schnable, M Segovia, A Singh, AK Singh (2024) AIIRA: AI institute for resilient agriculture. AI Magazine, 45(1): 94-98. doi:10.1002/aaai.12151
    [ Abstract | Full Text PDF | 9 February 2024 ]
2023 (1 article)Top ⇪
  • Li D, Q Wang, Y Tian, X Lyv, H Zhang, Y Sun, H Hong, H Gao, YF Li, C Zhao, J Wang, R Wang, J Yang, B Liu, PS Schnable, JC Schnable, YH Li, LJ Qiu (2023) Transcriptome brings variations of gene expression, alternative splicing, and structural variations into gene-scale trait dissection in soybean. bioRχiv, 2023.07.03.545230. doi:10.1101/2023.07.03.545230
2022 (1 article)Top ⇪
  • Clarke J, JCM Dekkers, D Ertl, CJ Lawrence-Dill, E Lyons, BM Murdoch, NM Scott, CK Tuggle, PS Schnable (2022) Community perspectives: Genome to phenome in agricultural sciences. OSF Preprints, 12 Dec. 2022. doi:10.31219/osf.io/p89vk
    [ Abstract | 12 December 2022 ]
2021 (1 article)Top ⇪
  • Zhou Y, M Kamruzzaman, PS Schnable, B Krishnamoorthy, A Kalyanaraman, B Wang (2021) Pheno-Mapper: an interactive toolbox for the visual exploration of phenomics data. arXiv, 2106.13397.
    [ Abstract | 25 June 2021 ]
2020 (2 articles)Top ⇪
2019 (1 article)Top ⇪
2018 (1 article)Top ⇪
2017 (1 article)Top ⇪
2016 (1 article)Top ⇪
  • Chawla V, HS Naik, D Hayes, PS Schnable, B Ganapathysubramanian, S Sarkar (2016) A bayesian network approach to county-level corn yield prediction using historical data and expert knowledge. arXiv, 1608.05127v1. doi:10.1145/1235 (In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Data Science for Food, Energy and Water, 2016 - San Francisco, CA, USA)
    [ Abstract | Full Text PDF (External) | 17 August 2016 ]