Dr. Rhonda DeCook
Former Post-Doctoral Research Associate
- B.S., Math/Economics, Iowa State University, 1993
- Ph.D., Statistics, Iowa State University, 2005
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, 2005
- Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, 2006-Present
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* Authors contributed equally to the article
- Swanson-Wagner RA, R DeCook, Y Jia, T Bancroft, T Ji, X Zhao, D Nettleton, PS Schnable (2009) Paternal dominance of trans-eQTL influences gene expression patterns in maize hybrids. Science, 326(5956): 1118-1120.(A commentary on this manuscript solicited by the editors of Science and written by C. Feuillet and K. Eversole was provided in 326: 1071-1072; Selected as an Editors' Choice by MaizeGDB, 12/2009; "Recommended" by the Faculty of 1000 Biology)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1126/science.1178294 | PMID: 19965432 | Impact Factor: 44.7 | Cited 113 times ]
- Swanson-Wagner RA*, Y Jia*, R DeCook, LA Borsuk, D Nettleton, PS Schnable (2006) All possible modes of gene action are observed in a global comparison of gene expression in a maize F1 hybrid and its inbred parents. PNAS, 103(18): 6805-6810.(Epub: 25 Apr 2006; "Recommended" by the Faculty of 1000 Biology; Identified by Thomson Reuters Scientific's Essential Science Indicators as the most highly cited paper in the research front map "On Applying Genome-Wide Selection"; podcast solicited by ScienceWatch.com: Download MP3 (5.7 MB) | WMA (2.5 MB))[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1073/pnas.0510430103 | PMID: 16641103 | Impact Factor: 9.4 | Cited 408 times ]