Yiji Xia
Former Graduate Student

- B.S., Agronomy, Zhejiang Agricultural University at Ningbo, 1982
- M.S., Plant Genetics and Breeding, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1986
- Ph.D., Interdepartmental Genetics, Iowa State University, 1997
- Assistant Researcher, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Animal Sciences, 1986-1990
- Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1990-1991
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nobel Foundation, Salk Institute, 1997-1997
- Assistant Member, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 1997-Present
Symbols Legend
* Authors contributed equally to the article
- Yandeau-Nelson MD, Y Xia, J Li, MG Neuffer, PS Schnable (2006) Unequal sister chromatid and homolog recombination at a tandem duplication of the a1 locus in maize. Genetics, 173(4): 2211-2226.(Epub: 4 Jun 2006)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1534/genetics.105.052712 | PMID: 16751673 | Impact Factor: 3.3 ]
- Xia Y, BJ Nikolau, PS Schnable (1997) Developmental and hormonal regulation of the arabidopsis CER2 gene that codes for a nuclear-localized protein required for the normal accumulation of cuticular waxes. Plant Physiol, 115(3): 925-937.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1104/pp.115.3.925 | PMID: 9390429 | Impact Factor: 6.5 | Cited 88 times ]
- Xu X, CR Dietrich, M Delledonne, Y Xia, TJ Wen, DS Robertson, BJ Nikolau, PS Schnable (1997) Sequence analysis of the cloned glossy8 gene of maize suggests that it may code for a beta-ketoacyl reductase required for the biosynthesis of cuticular waxes. Plant Physiol, 115(2): 501-510.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1104/pp.115.2.501 | PMID: 9342868 | Impact Factor: 6.5 | Cited 121 times ]
- Hansen JD, J Pyee, Y Xia, TJ Wen, DS Robertson, PE Kolattukudy, BJ Nikolau, PS Schnable (1997) The glossy1 locus of maize and an epidermis-specific cDNA from Kleinia odora define a class of receptor-like proteins required for the normal accumulation of cuticular waxes. Plant Physiol, 113(4): 1091-1100.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1104/pp.113.4.1091 | PMID: 9112770 | Impact Factor: 6.5 | Cited 83 times ]
- Xia Y, BJ Nikolau, PS Schnable (1996) Cloning and characterization of CER2, an arabidopsis gene that affects cuticular wax accumulation. Plant Cell, 8(8): 1291-1304.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1105/tpc.8.8.1291 | PMID: 8776898 | Impact Factor: 10.0 | Cited 141 times ]