Lisa Borsuk
Former Graduate Student

- B.A., Biology, Smith College, May 2001
- M.S., Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Iowa State University, Aug 2007
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* Authors contributed equally to the article
- Skibbe DS, X Wang, LA Borsuk, DA Ashlock, D Nettleton, PS Schnable (2008) Floret-specific differences in gene expression and support for the hypothesis that tapetal degeneration of Zea mays L. occurs via programmed cell death. J Genet Genomics, 35(10): 603-616.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1016/S1673-8527(08)60081-8 | PMID: 18937917 | Impact Factor: 6.6 ]
- Strable J, LA Borsuk, D Nettleton, PS Schnable, EE Irish (2008) Microarray analysis of vegetative phase change in maize. Plant J, 56(6): 1045-1057.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03661.x | PMID: 18764925 | Impact Factor: 6.2 ]
- Dembinsky D*, K Woll*, M Saleem, Y Liu, Y Fu, LA Borsuk, T Lamkemeyer, C Fladerer, J Madlung, WB Barbazuk, A Nordheim, D Nettleton, PS Schnable, F Hochholdinger (2007) Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of pericycle cells of the maize primary root. Plant Physiol, 145(3): 575-588.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1104/pp.107.106203 | PMID: 17766395 | Impact Factor: 6.5 | Cited 143 times ]
- Ohtsu K, MB Smith, SJ Emrich, LA Borsuk, R Zhou, T Chen, X Zhang, MC Timmermans, J Beck, B Buckner, D Janick-Buckner, D Nettleton, MJ Scanlon, PS Schnable (2007) Global gene expression analysis of the shoot apical meristem of maize (Zea Mays L.). Plant J, 52(3): 391-404.("Recommended" by the Faculty of 1000 Biology; Selected as an Editors' Choice by MaizeGDB, 10/2007)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03244.x | PMID: 17764504 | Impact Factor: 6.2 | Cited 139 times ]
- Zhang X, S Madi, LA Borsuk, D Nettleton, RJ Elshire, B Buckner, D Janick-Buckner, J Beck, MC Timmermans, PS Schnable, MJ Scanlon (2007) Laser microdissection of narrow sheath mutant maize uncovers novel gene expression in the shoot apical meristem. PLoS Genet, 3(6): e101.(Selected an Editors' Choice by MaizeGDB, 07/2007)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030101 | PMID: 17571927 | Impact Factor: 4.0 | Cited 70 times ]
- Skibbe DS, X Wang, X Zhao, LA Borsuk, D Nettleton, PS Schnable (2006) Scanning microarrays at multiple intensities enhances discovery of differentially expressed genes. Bioinformatics, 22(15): 1863-1870.(Epub: 26 May 2006)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl270 | PMID: 16731695 | Impact Factor: 4.4 ]
- Swanson-Wagner RA*, Y Jia*, R DeCook, LA Borsuk, D Nettleton, PS Schnable (2006) All possible modes of gene action are observed in a global comparison of gene expression in a maize F1 hybrid and its inbred parents. PNAS, 103(18): 6805-6810.(Epub: 25 Apr 2006; "Recommended" by the Faculty of 1000 Biology; Identified by Thomson Reuters Scientific's Essential Science Indicators as the most highly cited paper in the research front map "On Applying Genome-Wide Selection"; podcast solicited by Download MP3 (5.7 MB) | WMA (2.5 MB))[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1073/pnas.0510430103 | PMID: 16641103 | Impact Factor: 9.4 | Cited 408 times ]
- Woll K, LA Borsuk, H Stransky, D Nettleton, PS Schnable, F Hochholdinger (2005) Isolation, characterization, and pericycle-specific transcriptome analyses of the novel maize lateral and seminal root initiation mutant rum1. Plant Physiol, 139(3): 1255-1267.[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | Supplemental Materials | doi:10.1104/pp.105.067330 | PMID: 16215225 | Impact Factor: 6.5 | Cited 174 times ]
- Yao H, L Guo*, Y Fu*, LA Borsuk, TJ Wen, DS Skibbe, X Cui, BE Scheffler, J Cao, SJ Emrich, DA Ashlock, PS Schnable (2005) Evaluation of five ab initio gene prediction programs for the discovery of maize genes. Plant Mol Biol, 57(3): 445-460.
- Nakazono M*, F Qiu*, LA Borsuk, PS Schnable (2003) Laser-capture microdissection, a tool for the global analysis of gene expression in specific plant cell types: identification of genes expressed differentially in epidermal cells or vascular tissues of maize. Plant Cell, 15(3): 583-596.(Selected as a "must read" by the Faculty of 1000 Biology)[ Abstract | Full Text PDF | doi:10.1105/tpc.008102 | PMID: 12615934 | Impact Factor: 10.0 | Cited 378 times ]