2007 Epistasis Symposium:
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Steve H. Howell
Plant Sciences Institute, Iowa State University
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Max F. Rothschild
Center of Integrated Animal Genetics, Iowa State University
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Michael Wade
Indiana University
The effects of epistasis and mating system on evolution
Bruce Walsh
University of Arizona
Role of epistasis in the reponse to natural and artifical selection
Lilach Hadany
University of Iowa
Adaptation in epistatic genetic systems: the role of variation in variation and selection
Charles Goodnight
University of Vermont
Selection and drift in small populations
Alexander De Luna
Harvard Medical School
Using quantitative genetic interactions to evaluate the role of duplicate genes in mutational robustness
Ryan Kelley
University of California
Using protein networks to interpret genetic interactions
Gunter Wagner
Yale University
Measuring epistasis, pleiotropy, and the cost of complexity
Mihaela Pavlicev
Washington University
The contribution of differential epistasis to the variation in pleiotropy
Roman Yukilevich
Stony Brook University
Adaptive walks of epistatic genetic networks reveal long waiting times punctuated by large muatational jumps
Dusan Misevic
Swiss Federal Institute for Technology
Measuring epistasis and sex: population v. physiological approach
Suzannah Rutherford
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Threshold trait architecture of Hsp90-buffered variation
Laura Galloway
University of Virginia
Epistasis between generations: The influence of maternal-offspring interactions on life history evolution of an herbaceous plant
Jason Wolf
University of Manchester
Analysis and evolutionary consequences of epistasis from parent-offspring interactions
Carolyn deGraaf
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Gene interaction during mouse megakaryocyte production
Yi Jia
Iowa State University
Genetic control of the transcription of Natural Antisense Transcripts (NATS) in maize
Robert Heckendorn
University of Idaho
Testing the structure of naturally occurring epistasis and the limited epistasis hypothesis
Anne E. Stapleton
University of North Carolina
Recursive partitioning provides simple and powerful identification of loci and epistasis
Jose Alvarez-Castro
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics
A General Framework to model functional and statistical epistasis
Daniel Gianola
University of Wisconsin
Semi-parametric and machine learning approaches for modeling phenotypic complexity using massive genomic data
Greg Dyson
University of Michigan
A strategy for characterizing the contribution of G by E and G by G interactions to predicting the risk of ischemic heart disease
Ron-Cai Yang
University of Alberta
A direct approach to modeling epistasis
Wen-Hua Wei
Roslin Institute
Mapping epistatic QTL in structured outbred crosses--a comprehensive algorithm and its application
Luis Varona
Institute de Recerca y Tecnologia Agroalimentares
The role of epistasis on productive traits in pigs
James Cheverud
Washington University
Epistasis, pleiotropy, and the evolution of modularity
Christina Burch
University of North Carolina
Epistasis in phage, flies, and fake organisms. What are the causes of synergistic epistasis?
Paul Sternberg
California Institute of Technology
Predicting and measuring genetic interactions in C. elegans
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